How Do I Choose a Medicare Supplement Plan?

When you reach that time in life that you qualify for Medicare, there are a number of options that you’ll need to consider as you decide how you want to be covered on health insurance for the rest of your life.

Should you transition to Medicare Parts A and B, and just leave it at that?

Should you add a Medicare Supplement to fill in the gaps not covered by basic Medicare?  If so, what insurance company’s policy should you select?

Should you consider a Medicare Advantage Plan, where you turn your medical coverage over to a local HMO?

There are lots of companies offering Medicare Part D coverage for prescription drugs.  Which one will be the best for you?

You have a better chance of making the proper decision if you meet with a local, licensed agent to discuss your particular situation.  The premiums are the same if you buy a Medicare Supplement plan on your own or through a qualified agent.  Plus, you’ll have someone to help you with claims questions, billing problems, etc., as you use your plan.

At The McNett Agency, we give our Tulsa health insurance and Tulsa Medicare insurance clients the benefit of our 34 years of experience in the health insurance industry.  Call (918) 615-6096 to set a time for your meeting in our Tulsa office today. We are a proud small business Oklahoma health insurance company!

We’re top Medicare supplement agents, offering Tulsa Oklahoma small business health insurance and Life insurance Tulsa. Trust us for your insurance needs.

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